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Student Statement of Culture

We, the students of Beloit College, expect all members of our community to practice compassion and respect towards each other by contributing to a safe and vibrant campus life through both self and community care.

Anti-Racism + Inclusivity

  • We recognize that historically white institutions like Beloit College were created to serve the privileged and perpetuate white ways of knowing that can inflict violence towards nonwhite members. With this awareness, we commit to actualizing the Student Demands put forward by Black Students United and working to create an anti-racist institution that recognizes the presence of anti Blackness and seeks to eliminate it on campus.
  • We understand -isms and phobias, such as racism, ableism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia, to be rooted in power, benefitting possessors of a dominant identity at the expense of those being marginalized. Therefore, we strive to treat people from different countries, religious backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, and those with disabilities respectfully and equitably.
  • We acknowledge that our campus is built on stolen indigenous lands. The burial mounds on our campus serve as a daily reminder of Beloit’s struggle to disrupt colonialism. We can show respect to the original stewards of this land by not walking on the mounds.
  • We aim to make our clubs and organizations inclusive and accessible to all as we recognize their role in creating a comprehensive community.
  • We support our peers by engaging with them in their endeavors and seek to learn from everyone’s individual interests and expression.

Health & Wellbeing

  • We continue to advocate for what we see to be the best path forward in overcoming COVID-19 and cautiously move towards an open, vibrant campus while monitoring the well-being of our community.
  • We prioritize our physical and mental health, which includes the rights of our individual autonomy, because self care is community care. We acknowledge that people have different ways of caring for themselves and will support one another in prioritizing our needs.
  • We understand the importance of the Beloit College community addressing the climate crisis and work to create a sustainable campus.

Campus & Community Life

  • We commit to making our classrooms and learning spaces inclusive, while adhering to the highest standards of academic honesty, and recognize failure as part of the learning process. We act as responsible members of our community and hold all members accountable regardless of criticism or reward. We support creative thinking and critical feedback while appreciating the effort and overall well-being of our peers.
  • We respect all shared spaces and understand everyone plays a part in maintaining a sustainable environment. We continue to appreciate the people who maintain our campus.
  • We commit to branching out into the City of Beloit through initiatives that will enable us to make meaningful connections and transfer our skills, developed in the classroom, to our community and beyond. We embrace each opportunity as a learning experience.

The Student Statement of Culture, proposed by the Beloit Student Government and ratified by the Beloit College student body on September 5, 2022, should be revised no later than fall semester, 2025.

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